Friday, February 16, 2007

Construction outdoors



The finished product. Beautiful. I have a very talented husband. And very happy children (diggers are SO exciting to small boys).

First day of school

My first baby is offically a 'school kid'. He has been aiming for that magical, mythical status for a long while. At the end of his first full week he is exhausted, but also exhilarated, energised, buzzed about learning, loving sports, and making new friends. My baby is spreading his wings. He has taken the bus daily, eaten his lunch from his new lunch box, lost two drink bottles and one pair of togs, found togs and one drink bottle, and discovered the school library. He has brought home books to read each night, and forgotten most of what he has done each day. He has swum in the school pool daily and been awarded stickers for his excellent efforts. And he has announced he is in love, has kissed her under the table 'where no-one could see us' (and she kissed him too), and they are going to get married. Too cute. Suggesting to him that kissing at school was not the best idea was not a conversation I was expecting to have for quite some time!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

OMG, 2 posts in 1 day, what is the world coming to?

Love this pic. We went to the beach for a few days last week. Beautiful, gorgeous, amazing spot called Whatuwhiwhi, in Doubtless Bay, far north. Stayed in a fab bach (for bach read lovely 2 bedroom house with HUGE deck) and basically hung out. Big C and SP loved sitting on the deck step and looking at all the boats - any time of day. Wee m just loved getting in and out of the house to outside ON HIS OWN. He almost wore a track in the carpet on his 'circuit'. SP can now snorkel, and loves it.
It was so hot we filled the paddling pool on the deck in the morning, and in the late afternoon bathed the kids in it 'al fresco'. They loved it, we loved it and all was right with the world.

At last!

It has finally happened! I have figured out how to get my new camera to 'talk' to my computer and download images! Yippee!!! It involved a very frustrated husband, despondant me, trip to the computer shop, realising we had the right cable at home (from a phone), trying the cable and getting it all to work! Phew. Of course all this took several weeks to take place. So I took heaps of photos without beinga ble to do anything with them. Until now dear friends......

This is my little friend who has just turned three. She loves dresses and says they make her want to dance. So I made this one for her, and she danced for absolutely ages. It is a bit big, but I figure she will be able to wear it next summer too maybe. Too cute.

This blanket was made with much love for some dear friends who live in Australia. They had their little girl last October (eek it was very late!). It's made of flannel, and I love the ballerina fabric. Sadly I bought the end of the roll and it is now all gone, apart from a very small amount that will undoubtedly turn up in something in the future.

I am feeling quite creative at the moment. Made some funky curtains for the new office at work (lime green with multicoloured polka dots), which was in dire need of a 'lift'. Helped a 7 year old friend make her first bag, pink floral messenger style complete with glitter and sequins. She is thrilled, and I had a great time.

I feel like I have ideas almost falling out of my head right now. I need to get the office/sewing room sorted out, it is embarrasingly untidy and dirty at the moment! Then I can just get stuck in in the moments I can snatch!