Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I've actually finished something!

Here is a pic of the finished cot bumper. Wee m hasn't managed to pull it off the cot - yet. I used velcro for the fastenings to thwart his attempts. I learned a lot making this. It is my first attempt at quilting and I would do it differently next time! Both the front and back are pieced, I had enough remnants left over to do both sides. I quilted around the animals as well as making a 'seam' top and bottom, as well as through each panel piece. If that makes any sense. Anyway the jolly thing is finished at last!

The other pic is of a piece of embroidery I started and finished over the weekend when I really wasn't moving much. It is a shockingly bad picture, but the angel has seed beeds on the ends of her hair, and french knots on her wings. Now I just need to get her framed. Don't fancy that being done anytime soon, the Noah's ark opne I started before BigC and I got married is still not framed and that was started 12 years ago!
The 'learn to love yourself' written on the piece is pretty apt. I am trying to do that on a daily basis.


At Thursday, September 14, 2006 1:19:00 PM, Blogger ElleMae said...

Em, these are gorgeous! A little ray of sunshine from a very sore knee - the kids are in daycare and you have crafting time! So jealous...sigh...

At Sunday, September 17, 2006 2:49:00 AM, Blogger Em said...

Must admit, it is AWFULLY quiet around here. Kind of having to make a noise to make sure I still exist kind of quiet. The knee is feeling surprisingly good, and have another week of day care. Am humouring my physio by using a crutch and having my feet up when Im not doing my exercises. Im trying to be a good girl! Thanks :-)


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