Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Wonderful weekend

I had the most wonderful weekend. It was a long one (God save the Queen!) and I escaped to the beach, ON MY OWN! No children, no husband, just me. It was so lovely. I can't remember the last time I was on my own completely for any significant period of time. I went to stay at Deb & Graeme's 'caravan' at Waipu Cove. A beautiful beach, a beautiful caravan (larger than a flat we lived in in London for 2 years!). I had a marvellous time and came back feeling like I'd had a week away.

I walked on the beach, slept when I was tired, ate when hungry, read tons, and generally did not much at all. Bliss!

I am so thankful to Big C for being OK with me going away, in fact encouraging me. The boys had a good time without me which was great. Didn't get any crafting done, but have big plans!


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