Thursday, April 06, 2006

Roll on the weekend please

Is it Friday yet? I would really like it to be Friday please. Please? Today was really busy. Got very surprised to be greeted by a mouse when I opened the toaster hutch. I even did a girly squeal. Most unlike me. I don't usually do things like that. The war against small furry rodent starts now. The biggest boy will take this war very seriously. He has discovered that yoghurt covered raisins seem to be the best bait for traps. He will not rest easily until mousie has gone. Means I don't have to worry too much - yippee! I hate that we have a mouse in the house - I guess its one of the joys of country living.

I went to Mainly Music with the two cherubs and we all seemed to enjoy it. Then we went for coffee to a GREAT cafe - Narnia. I LOVE Narnia. They seem genuinely pleased to see you - even when arriving with many small children. They get toys out for you. They have colouring in for the children. They dont seem to mind when your children make a bit of noise. They put up with SP going to the edge of the kitchen and asking for a cloth/toy/chat. They have fancy dress outfits for the children, and the cafe owner even tries them on too. We will be making this our regular stop. We have been several times now (to check out whether it was a fluke the first time - it wasn't). Oh, and the coffee is pretty great too. And the feijoa and chocolate muffin I had was divine.

Then we walked back to the supermarket to pick up a few bits and pieces, then walked back to the car (still at Mainly Music). Then home. Lunch, fed smallest cherub numerous times. Housework (vacuum, dust, mop wooden floors, tidy, empty dishwashers, do washing, fold washing, put clothes away etc etc etc). Organised bills (yuck). Made dinner. Tidied more. More washing. Called some peeps about coffee group tomorrow. Got into tidying MY SPACE. It is starting to look a bit better. Still fairly horrendous though. Too embarrased to post a pic at the mo, far too messy. I have a picture in my head of how I would like it to look, but it is unlikely to look like that any time soon! This house seems to get messy and dirty behind my back.

Tomorrow afternoon we go to Nana & Pop's place in Auckland. It will be great, even if the weather forecast is for lots of rain. Looking forward to seeing my sisters and mum. Also looking forward to the garage that is in pieces on our driveway going tomorrow. Yippee! The biggest boy and I haven't been able to agree on where to put it, and I have demanded a covered area in which to load/unload car and hang washing (sick of getting a wet bum!). So tha garage goes and the carport will be constructed. Yippee!!!


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