Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Two posts in two days!

Today was a mad day. My 'alarm clock' aka MP slept in this morning, leading me to rush around like a chook with its head cut off in order to get out of the house in time. I got to work with 5 minutes to spare, hair done, make up on and cherubs dropped off at child care. I had a sit down and a coffee when I got to work!

Worked all day today. Busy there too. School holidays in one week (and a bit). I think the students are tired, the teachers are tired and that makes for an interesting time! I am too busy to think about the holidays at the moment. I have brought home a communication aid that I need to learn how to use, then write a programme for to deliver to the student and teacher aide tomorrow. Oh, and I am not supposed to be at school tomorrow as I am attending a course. I am paid to work half a day and have yet to manage only half a day. Hmmm, I need to get better at that.

My cherubs are not going to child care over the holidays and I am looking forward to having them home. We are off to the big smoke this weekend and having lunch with my lovely mum and sisters on Saturday. I am really looking forward to it. Hoping for fine weather then SP can go tractor riding with Pops, one of his favourite pass times at Nana & Pop's place. Oh, and going into the bush, and generally doing whatever Pops is doing! Pops has an extra shadow when we are there :-)

Checked my gorgeous friend Ellen's blog tonight and she has posted again. She inspires me so much - family, career, great friend and crafter too. Sheesh I don't know when she gets time. I have got to learn better time management from her. Hold me to that girl!

Also want to seriously consider not giving chocolate this easter - the bunnies at wee wonderfuls look fabulous, and I have seen some really cute bunnies in a local shop too. Either way I am going to have to get busy. SP thinks he is getting an easter egg treasure hunt. We shall see. I am pretty keen on getting the true reason for Easter in there somewhere.

Anyway, no sewing done here today, too busy. I did get a new book on toy making from Trade Me (an awesome website and terminally dangerous for those trying to be thrifty!). I also got some very cute farmyard fabric to do something with at some stage. I have got to start using up some of what I already have. If CP is reading this he will be nodding vigorously and will now hold me to this. Eeek. I have also got to rearrange my office which is not currently required as an office as I am not working from home. It is going to be reincarnated as MY SPACE. Computer will still be in the corner, but the main theme will be sewing, crafting and general ME stuff. I can't wait. I will be able to leave my machines out. I have never been able to do that before. Yippee!

Gotta go, got the lunch construction (and a big boy obsessed with healthy eating at the moment. He wants to know the ingredients of everything and if there is sugar in it he won't eat it and gives me a lecture about good and bad foods - a tad frustrating at times!), laundry mountain to climb, bags to pack and general fluffing to do. Oh and that communication aid programme to write. A mothers work is never done!


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